Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dear Me....

Dear Me,
I know I have been so much harder on you than I should have been. I have a tendency to put other people's hearts ahead of yours. I quiet you when you try to tell me that you are hurting. And I bring people back into your life, that sadly, I know will hurt you again. I don't listen to what it is you really need to make your soul smile. I let the negativity that other people allow in their own lives seep into your mind. And I let it work against you. I don't give you credit for all of the truly amazing things that you do. Instead, I focus on all of the "mistakes" you've made. All of the things that you could have done better. I allow other people to create dreams and goals for you, instead of letting you follow your own dreams. I am your worst critic, when, in fact, I should be your biggest supporter. Bottom line, I haven't been treating you the way I should.
But know this. You ARE loved. You ARE amazing. You ARE blessed. You deserve to smile. You deserve to shine.

Always Blushing,

Jessica Michelle

"Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." -Bob Marley

"Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you;
 you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." 
-Bob Marley
So, the question is.... how do you know when someone is worth keeping around? Talk about a difficult question! I am a firm believer that people come into your life for a reason. I believe that each person that you meet... each person that you interact with... they all leave some sort of wake in your life. Whether it be a gentle wave crashing in on the sands of your life or a thunderous storm knocking down everything in its path. The decision as to how long they remain in your life, well, thats another question.
      Pain is OBVIOUSLY a part of life. There is no way around it. You will hurt people. People will hurt you. It's going to happen. The only thing that we can do in life is try our very best to not hurt others. But what do you do when there is someone in your life that you care for, who does mean a lot to you but you are continually hurt by this person? Is it purposeful? Maybe, maybe not. Either way, how do you decide if the the good times are worth the heartache? How do you know if and when it is time to say enough?
     This is something that I think everyone struggles with at one point or another. It can be fairly easy to say goodbye to someone who hasn't been in your life that long. But, when it comes to a person that you have a history with; a person that you have a strong connection with (whether it be a friend, a family member, or a person you were in a relationship with)... what is the deciding factor in your mind that makes you think, "Thats it. I have had enough." This is something, that unfortunately, has been on my mind quite a bit over the past few months. There are a few people that I seriously have so much love for, but no matter which way the wind blows, there is always something hurtful coming out of their mouths. And, as painful as it has been, I have severed ties with these people for the time being. Do I miss them? Of course I do. But, at the same time, I know that my heart is much safer with it this way for now.
       Yes, at some point in life I will hurt the people I love. Yes, the people I love, at some point or another will hurt me. Its a part of life. All I can do is hold faith in my heart that I those around me are honest and loving in their intentions.
"Love comes from a sure heart,
a good conscience
a sincere faith"
1 Timothy 1:5
Always Blushing,
Jessica Michelle

"Free" by Jessica Michelle

take a deep breath
bring yourself back
stop beating yourself
for all that you "lack"
there's beauty inside
so much to be seen
don't get lost in the darkness
or what lies in between

here on earth
lies a heaven and a hell
quiet tears and heartache
you've known them well
they took up room
buried deep in your heart
with you for so long
but now its time to part

dreams do come true
as often as tears are cried
a true heart remains
but beauty will subside
open your heart
to the dreams that lie within
to push them aside
would be a great sin

forgive yourself
for the tears of the past
moments that are forgotten
and memories that still last
always believe in love  
it comes to those that are free
free enough to believe 
free enough to see

Always Blushing,
Jessica Michelle

"American Woman" by Jessica Michelle

American woman,
walking right on by.
Wearing a-line skirts
to hide her thighs.
Tossing pennies into
the fountain of youth;
covering herself up
to banish the truth.
Nip and tuck,
from head to toe.
Her true self,
she doesn't know.
Late at night ,
she sits alone.
Waiting for the "answer"
to phone.
American woman,
inside out...
lying to herself
only to cover the doubt...

Always Blushing,

Jessica Michelle

"Crashing down on me" by Jessica Michelle

Crashing down on me.
Opening up
an endless sea.
Tidal waves
come falling in,
washing away
my every sin.
Watching me take
this final breath,
to lead me to 
the darkest depths.
Final step
about to take.
Greatest victory?
Greatest mistake?
Open eyes,
soul runs free.
Echos of ages
calling to me.
Take me back,
again once more.
Times run out.
Final score.
Lead me to 
the light again.
Sweet surrender, 
about to begin.
Open up
let me in.
Watch me now.
Lets begin.
Grant me now
one wish 
I plea...
Forgive my heart
and let me be.
Time to start.
No need to see.
What once was lost 
now set free....

Always Blushing,
Jessica Michelle

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 1 : Five Ways to Win My Heart

1. Be honest with who you are. There is nothing worse then "getting to know someone" only to find out that they were putting on a show the whole time. I want to get to know you. The real you. The you that you are when you wake up in the morning. The you that you are when you go to sleep at night.

2. Let me know that you are thinking of me. Chocolates and diamonds are nice. But, what I really want is someone who isn't afriad/ashamed to let me know that I am on his mind. A phone call takes a minute... a text takes seconds. To you it might not mean much, but to a sap like me, letting me know I am on your mind means alot.

3. Have your own beliefs. I believe what I believe and there is not a single person out there who is going to change that. I need to be with someone who has firm beliefs and will stand by them. Life is better when you believe in something.

4. Listen to me when I talk. Remember the things that make me smile. And remember the things that make me cry (don't do those).

5. Have a creative soul and don't be afraid to let it shine. Show your spark to the world. Never hid it for anyone.

Always Blushing,
Jessica Michelle

30 Day Challenge

So, when it comes to writing,  I have been really slacking lately. I have decided, to do this 30 Day Challenge to help get me back into the swing of things. I am hoping this will inspire me to get back into writing.

Always Blushing,
Jessica Michelle
We are at our sexiest when we feel the most confident. We are at our least attractive when we are sure of our inadequacies and practically cave in on ourselves to conceal them… We all handicap ourselves with insecurity, and it’s up to us to reset the self-worth scale and alter the message we sound out into the world… So how do we remind ourselves of our fabulousness without letting our self-doubt or the criticism of others drag us down? Triggers. We wear heels. We get waxed. We do things that make us attractive to ourselves and, therefore, able to allow others to do the same. And they work… Confidence is a state of mind, but sometimes we need to give ourselves permission to realize it. There is nothing wrong with embracing the tools that allow us to get there; heels, bikini waxes, whatever. As long as we’re aware of the fact that we are worth the same with or without these tools…
Olivia Wilde