Wednesday, October 31, 2012


         Halloween is here! The girls have picked out their costumes and we are ready to go trick or treating tonight. Halloween is definitely up there with my favorite holidays. It's all about using your imagination and creativity to become someone or something else...  being able to transform yourself for the night... For one night, you can forget your worries and your stresses and become a child again.

      I can't wait to take pictures tonight of my little girls!! These pictures are from 2010. Its amazing how quickly time flies....

Monday, October 29, 2012

If Barbie Were Real....

Just a thought....

If Barbie was an actual woman, she would be 5’9” tall, have a 39” bust, an 18” waist, 33” hips and a size 3 shoe.
• Barbie calls this a “full figure” and likes her weight at 110 lbs.
• At 5’9” tall and weighing 110 lbs, Barbie would have a BMI of 16.24 and fit the weight criteria for anorexia. She likely would not menstruate.
• If Barbie was a real woman, she’d have to walk on all fours due to her proportions.
 • Slumber Party Barbie was introduced in 1965 and came with a bathroom scale permanently set at 110 lbs with a book entitled “How to Lose Weight” with directions inside stating simply “Don’t eat.”