Thursday, July 29, 2010

Super Quick Blog.... What's On My Mind....

Whats On My Mind
My babies Ashleigh and Melanie
My books
the beach
Aerosmith Concert
the weekend
Friday night
Red Bull
my sisters
nail polish
a few tears
more smiles
some questions you've left me with
rain storms
nights under the stars
a midnight swim, yet to happen
the truth
Lot's on my mind today, and thats not even the start.... I think tonight needs to be dedicated to some writing.

Always Blushing,
Jessica Michelle

Train - Hey Soul Sister

This song makes me think of my Ashleigh. She is almost 5 and has the most AMAZING memory when it comes to songs. She loves this song and will beg me to play it everyday!! She sings and dances to this song while Melanie, my almost 2 year old, dances. Ugh, they are THE most amazing part of my life!!!! ♥ them!

Always Blushing,
Jessica Michelle

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

La la la laing through my day....

        What a day so far. There are just some people in life, that no matter how hard you try with them, they will always rub you the wrong way. And, then there are the people in life, that can make you smile more than anyone else. Thankfully, I am blessed to have quite a few of these kind of people in my life. There are a few people that I can think of off the top of my head of a few different people who, on a continual basis, make me smile.
         Hopefully, these people know just how much they mean to me. There are a few people who, by just thinking about them, it puts a smile on my face. I am not going to call you out and embarrass you over the internet, but, hopefully you know who you are ♥.

Always Blushing,
Jessica Michelle

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Late... Late... Late Night...

         So, this is turning out to be a ridiculously long night of designing the cover for my book. BUT I would so much rather go a night without sleep and be working on something that has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember than not! We have been working our butts off for the past few hours trying to wrap things up for this project. BUT we did take a quick McDonalds break to re-fuel (sometimes fast food can be an a*m*a*z*i*n*g thing!). And after 4 large Red Bulls and some Starbucks coffee today, I am still wide awake and ready to get this thing done!!!

   Always Blushing,

Jessica Michelle