Thursday, December 30, 2010

In Search...

I just saw this on one of my favorite website. Loved it right away.

Always Blushing,

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Always Blushing

Jessica Michelle

"Be Gentle..."

"Be gentle with yourself.
are a child
of the universe,
no less
than the trees
and the stars.
In the noisy confusion
of life,
keep peace
in your soul."
- Max Thimann

Always Blushing

Jessica Michelle


         My life has been filled with them lately. I have been letting these ridiculous distractions get in the way of what really makes me happy. Even tonight, I am still letting the smallest of things get in the way of what I should be doing. I came out to Starbucks to finally get some writing down. Two hours later and I am just now starting to write. What have I been doing for 2 hours.... distracting myself. I worked a little on designing  my blog, I have been chatting on Facebook, editing some pictures... but up until now, no writing. Lol, why do I do this to myself? I find myself having more and more to say each day, but I seem to be saying less and less at the same time. Writing used to be one of the main things that brought peace to my life... it helped me to sort out the many random thoughts running through my mind and helped me in discovering who I am. But, as of lately, my pen rarely hits the paper (ok, so I do most of my writing on my computer, but you get the point).
        I think I have been hiding my mind from the world for a little bit. I have so much to say, that if I start talking, it will all come out. Its a lot to process. My mind has been running in about 12 different directions over the past month and I am just trying to keep up.  But, as I sit here and think about it, I decide that its ok to take a breather from the stresses of reality every now and then. Its ok to be a little distracted in life... I think it is just time that I get back to the distractions that are good for my heart...
         This past Saturday I went to the Atomic Holiday Bazaar . I felt like I was on a cloud. I was surrounded by so many creative people... people who channel their passions... their laughter.... their heartache... into what they create. I looked around at all of these artists, men and women, and they all looked so inspired. It was one of THE most inspiring moments of my life... I could feel the creative energy being channeled back into my soul. As I walked out of the event a million and one ideas rushed through my mind... new and not so new... All I can say is that I am so excited about what is to come in the near future. Getting back to creating and writing... getting back to what makes me truly happy... getting back to me.

Always Blushing

Jessica Michelle

Sunday, November 28, 2010

"Let it go" - Graham Colton

       I just heard this song for the first time, and I must admit, I am in love with it. It is so easy to live a life were you hold onto things that you have lost... But, when you hold onto something... when you keep in buried in your heart and refuse to release it, you are creating a barrier so that nothing else can come in. There have been a few people who have entered my life over the past few years who have had a great affect on me. People, that for one reason or another, are no long a part of my life. People that I should have released from my heart along time ago. It is so much easier than done. I know. It is so much easier to sit there and wish and wish for someone to just disappear from your heart then it is to actually work through it... Despite MANY efforts in the past to "delete" certain friends from my heart, they are still there. I have come to the conclusion that moving on doesn't mean forgetting. It just simply means letting go. It means knowing that this person or this situation will never disappear completely . In one way or another, they will always be a part of your life, because they are a part of your past. It means that despite this, you are still able to move forward with a heart open and ready for loving....

Always Blushing,
Jessica Michelle
"Let It Go"
Where there's love there is pain
With the sun comes the rain
Without wrong there'd be no right
Every day begins with night
In a crowd or all alone
Said out loud on telephones
When you give me your hand
With no words I understand
You got no one to run to
You got no one to find you
Stars will explode
Mountains erode
Oceans over flow
Let it go
Now yesterday is too far away
It's the end of the road
Let it go
I found love when there was pain
I felt the sun in pouring rain
I wish all my wrongs I could do right
I wish that you were hear tonight
Stars will explode
Mountains erode
Oceans over flow
Let it go
Now yesterday is too far away
It's the end of the road
Let it go

Truth of the day: Day 2

Always Blushing,
Jessica Michelle

Saturday, November 27, 2010

"Bad boys"... yeah, I tend to love 'em... but why?

The "Bad Boy"....
I admit it. I have, on occasion, been attracted to the bad boy type. I will be the first to admit that the whole bad boy look gets to me. But why? Why would I be attracted to anything that had been labeled "bad". After reviewing a few things from my past, I have come to the following conclusion (aside from the fact that I love tattoos and bikes, lol)...  Bad boys are safe. Yes, I am fully aware of just how ridiculous this sounds. Believe me... I have thought long and hard about that statement. But, in my opinion they are safe. The whole world knows just how much of a romantic sap I am. I would rather find a true and lasting love then win a million dollars. So, why, if I am looking for that kind of love would I be attracted to the bad boys? The guys that are known to be heart breakers... I have asked myself this repeatedly and the only explanation that I can come up with is the fact that "bad boys" are so much safer than the "good guys". I hate it, but many of the "good guys" that I have met this past year have turned out to be "bad boys" in disguise. Which, in the end, is so much harder to deal with in my opinion. They are like wolves in sheep's clothing. Seemingly innocent, and just when you aren't looking, they attack. It catches you off guard. It is easier to deal with an attack when you are prepared for it... when you have your guard up. I honestly believe that there are still some genuinely good guys out there, its just a matter of being able to see past the mask that most people wear. 
Anyways, just a thought.

Always Blushing,
Jessica Michelle

"I Bruise Easily" Natasha Bedingfeild

My skin is like a map, of where my heart has been
And I can't hide the marks, but it's not a negative thing
So I let down my guard, drop my defenses, down by my clothes
I'm learning to fall, with no safety net, to cushion the blow
I bruise easily, so be gentle when you handle me
There's a mark you leave, like a love heart carved on a tree
I bruise easily, can't scratch the surface without moving me
I bruise easily, I bruise easily
I've found your fingerprints on a glass of wine
Do you know you're leaving them all over this heart of mine, too
But if I never take this leap of faith, I'll never know
So I'm learning to fall with no safety net to cushion the blow
I bruise easily, so be gentle when you handle me
There's a mark you leave, like a love heart carved on a tree
I bruise easily, can't scratch the surface without moving me
I bruise easily, I bruise easily
Anyone who
Can touch you
Can hurt you
Or heal you.
Anyone who
Can reach you
Can love you
Or leave you...
So be gentle
So be gentle
So be gentle
So be gentle
I bruise easily, so be gentle when you handle me
There's a mark you leave, like a love heart carved on a tree
I bruise easily, can't scratch the surface without moving me
I bruise easily,
I bruise easily, so be gentle when you handle me
There's a mark you leave, like a love heart carved on a tree
I bruise easily, can't scratch the surface without moving me
I bruise easily, I bruise easily
I bruise easily
I bruise easily

Truth of the day.

Always Blushing,

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I believe...

"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."
Marilyn Monroe

Always Blushing


Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's finally here!

My First book! I am so excited!!! This is something that I have dreamt of for a VERY long time! I wrote "Patches" about 5 years ago, but I never had the courage to move forward and take the steps to get it published! Well, with the help of two amazing men (Paul Gruber and Chris Casanta), my dream has come true.
Patches is the first of many books to come. And now, it is available on AMAZON.COM!!!!
Patches on AMAZON!!!! Click here!
I am so excited about all the dreams that are now becoming a reality!

Always Blushing,

Jessica Michelle

"Moonlit Skies" by Jessica Michelle

Always Blushing,

Jessica Michelle

"My Eyes" By Jessica Michelle

Always Blushing

Jessica Michelle

Sunday, October 17, 2010

just think.

"If you were happy with the wrong one
just think of how happy you will be 
when the right one comes along..."

        Isn't it a shame how quickly we let our hearts cling to someone who isn't deserving? To someone who, in all honesty, had no reason to get so close in the first place? But, what's worse is that so often, there is some place deep down inside of us that knows something isn't right. And, despite this nagging feeling, we continue to let our heart grow more attached, only to be hurt in the end. Why do we do that? Why do we push aside what our hearts are telling us? 
       I have asked myself this questions quite a few times. And I could never  come up with an answer. So, rather than drive myself crazy over the why of  it, I have just decided to change it. I am no longer putting someone else's heart above my own. 
       Despite the ridiculousness that we sometimes allow into our lives, one thing is for sure....

Always Blushing,
Jessica Michelle

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"Still I RIse" Maya Angelou

"Still I Rise

You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.

Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise."
— Maya Angelou

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


" don't believe in guilt,
I believe in living on impulse 
as long as you 
never intentionally hurt another person, 
and don't judge people in your life. 
I think you should live completely 


Angelina Jolie

Always Blushing,
Jessica Michelle

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Not going to lie... your stuck in my head and I want you gone. I don't need a distraction from you. They don't work. I just want you gone. I have fought with myself quietly over this. I have tried to reason. I have been polite. But I am done asking. GET OUT. That's all there is to it. You don't deserve to be occupying my thoughts. Not even for one second. I have worked too hard to let you creep in and distract my life. I am not letting you make one more mark in my life. You bring too much frustration into my life, and I am done with you. For something so small, you have made a huge impact in my life in the past.... "but". "
     "But" nothing. "But"... you have put fear into my dreams when the only thing they should have been filled with is excitement. "But"... you put doubt in my mind when I should have followed my heart. "But"... you stopped me from taking that first step when I could see the path laid out right in front of me. "But". "But"... nothing.

Always Blushing



I am just about ready to introduce a new product for children that I have been dreaming and talking about FOREVER. I am super excited and I can't wait to introduce it to everyone. I don't want to go into too much detail, but here is a little hint...
Stay tuned ...
Always Blushing,
Jessica Michelle

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Promise yourself...

Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give so much time to improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. Live in the faith that the whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in you!
- Christian D. Larson

Always Blushing,

Jessica Michelle

Thursday, September 30, 2010


"Love makes us hold onto things we shouldn't. But who are we to know better?"
And it's so true. How often do we let the love that we have for someone take over our mindset? There have been SO many times that my heart and my mind have been at war. My mind could throw out a million and one reasons to walk away from a certain situation, but my heart can bring up one point... one thought... one memory and then most of the time, my heart wins. I trust my heart. I know for fact that what my heart is telling me is the truth. So much more I could say about all this... but my bed is calling my name.

Photo by Dangie Grathoff

Always Blushing


Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Me. And I am not walking away.
Always Blushing
Jessica Michelle

Sunday, September 26, 2010

It's gonna rain...

It's gonna rain.
Rain down on me.
It's gonna rain.
So hard I can't see.
It's gonna pour on my soul
make me lose all control.
It's gonna rain.
Rain down on me.

It's gonna burn.
Deep in my heart.
It's gonna burn.
But it's time to start.
Start walking away,
From the plans my heart made.
Its gonna burn
Deep in my heart.

But I'm gonna fly.
Fly past the moon.
I'm gonna fly.
Yeah, I'm leaving here soon.
Time to go on my own,
Leave the memories alone.
I'm gonna fly.
Fly past the moon.

Always Blushing

Jessica Michelle


Don't walk away from me.
Its my turn. 
Bringing my own light today. 
Time for me to turn and walk away.
Because, the words that you speak,
leave me with nothing to say.

Always Blushing,
Jessica Michelle

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dear Me....

I know I have been so much harder on you than I should have been. I have a tendency to put other people's hearts ahead of yours. I quiet you when you try to tell me that you are hurting. And I bring people back into your life, that sadly, I know will hurt you again. I don't listen to what it is you really need to make your soul smile. I let the negativity that other people allow in their own lives seep into your mind. And I let it work against you. I don't give you credit for all of the truly amazing things that you do. Instead, I focus on all of the "mistakes" you've made. All of the things that you could have done better. I allow other people to create dreams and goals for you, instead of letting you follow your own dreams. I am your worst critic, when, in fact, I should be your biggest supporter. Bottom line, I haven't been treating you the way I should.
But know this. You ARE loved. You ARE amazing. You ARE blessed. You deserve to smile. You deserve to shine.

Always Blushing,

Jessica Michelle


I have been struggling with putting words on paper lately. I just can't seem to clear my brain and focus on writing. I have sat in front of my computer about 5 times in the past week trying to write a blog and NOTHING would come out. I don't get it. I have been a bit preoccupied lately. A million and one thoughts running through my mind. BUT I want to write. And I just can't seem to clear my brain of all the static that seems to be occupying the space. As soon as the words come to me I will be back...

Always Blushing,
Jessica Michelle

Monday, September 6, 2010

Under construction....

Revamping.... in need of a change... ignore any craziness that might be going on for the next few hours :-)

Always Blushing,
Jessica Michelle


I feel like I am in a constant state of movement. Everytime I turn the corner I am looking to something  new... at any moment in time I have so many ideas running through my mind, it is exhausting. Lol. I am sitting at Starbucks because I have SO much "work" that I need/want to get done tonight. But I am so exhausted from this weekend (took my babies to Disney World for the weekend) that if I were to stay at home I would pass right out. So, here I am. So much I want to accomplish tonight... got my Iced Peppermint White Mocha and I am ready to go!
Watch for all the amazing things to come!

Always Blushing,

Jessica Michelle

Monday, August 30, 2010

20 Minute Break... 20 Things On My Mind...

1. GOD - 
In general I know how blessed I am
but it is really on my mind today.
2. My daughter-
Can't wait to hug them tonight
That one is for my mind only
but it is definitely on my mind today.
4. My book-
So excited about finally being
able to hold a copy in my hands!
5. Traveling
I want to get away from
Sarasota soon...even if for just a few days
6. The Vampire Fashion Show Audition Party
on 9/2/10 
7. The pile of paper work on my desk
8. The Red Bull I just bought
9. How I wish I had another Red Bull in front
of me because this one is almost gone.
10. The beach
11. How badly I need a tan
that is another one for only me to know.
13. I need new shoes
14. I am so exhausted.
15. I wish I had a newer car
16. I can't wait to get the website up and running
17. so many ideas running through my mind
it is a little over whelming
18. Can't wait to play with Ash and Mellie tonight...
I missed them!
19. I need to do some writing tonight.
20. I can't help but smile.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


"I’m a slut because i’ll wear shorts and a tank top. I’m a bitch because i don’t let you push me around. I’m a liar because i won’t tell you everything. I’m stupid because sometimes i’m wrong. I’m ugly because my face isn’t perfect. I’m a whore because i like boys. I’m annoying because i’m not chill enough. I’m a loser because i’m not friends with your group. I’m fake because most of the time i’m happy. I’m weird because i’m not like you. I’m controlling because i get mad. Sometimes i’m clingy because i like being around people. I’m greedy because i like to be satisfied. I’m naive because i’m younger than you. I’m conceited because i’m proud of who i am. I’m rude because my manners aren’t perfect. I’m unappreciative because i don’t praise you. Don’t tell me who i am because i already know."

I saw this online tonight and I couldn't stop myself from posting this. More to come later...

Always Blushing,
Jessica Michelle

Monday, August 23, 2010

Erase it?

I was laying in bed last night. I couldn't sleep. Wasn't in the mood to write. I just wanted to lay there and listen to the rain along with some of my favorite music. My pick for the night... a little James Morrison.
 That man's voice melts me. I just love how smooth his voice is... gets to me every time. I was laying there with my eyes shut and all these memories kept running through my mind. Mainly memories of these past few years. Decisions that I have made... roads that I have taken... people I have let into my life. There were a few memories that my mind just wont let go of. I have tried to get over them... to put them aside... but no matter what, it always comes back. I started to get frustrated while I lay there. Why are these memories (some bitter sweet... and some sad) stuck inside my mind? I just kept thinking about how much easier life would be if I could just choose which memories to erase. If I could just take certain chapters from my life and totally wipe them away. Like they were never there... like they had never happened. Wouldn't it be amazing to just be able to pick through your memories like a folder on your computer... find the ones that you like and save them to the hard drive. And when you come across one that you don't like, just drag it to your trash bin. Never too be seen again. I just kept thinking about how awesome it would be if there were a delete button in life. You could delete memories... delete people from your life... how amazing that would be! Or would it?
      As I lay there I just thinking about about the memories that I would like to delete from my life. With each memory that I selected to be deleted (if that were an option) it kept occurring to me that I learned something from many of them. While the experiences  may have been painful or upsetting, the lessons that I took away from so many of these so called "deletable memories" will be with me forever. There are certain people that I let in to my life that hurt me and as much as I may want to delete them from my mind/memories sometimes, I have come to see that having them as a part of my life (in the back of my mind) is a good thing. I can use them as a guide as to what to watch out for in the future.
        There are 2 people in general that if given the opportunity, I might be tempted to have their memories washed clean. But, even as I sit here and write this, I know that I wouldn't actually go through with it.  As much as I would love to be able to not have to think about them, I am learning that being able to forgive someone (truly forgive) has almost the same affect. When you honestly forgive someone, you are wiping the slate clean. The memories may still be there, but the feelings that are attached with the memories disappear. I am still working on the whole forgiveness thing with these 2 people. It's a hard thing to do when you are faced with a person who once played a very significant role in your life. But, that is what life is about... learning and moving forward.

Always Blushing,

Jessica Michelle

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


           So, these past few days I have been in a bit of a funk. A little sad. A little hurt. And I just haven't been able to shake this feeling. As the world knows, Jessica wears her heart on her sleeve. Happy. Sad. Angry. Excited. I have a hard time covering up my feelings. In fact, I HATE covering up my feelings. There is no point to it. Why cover up what you feel in your heart. I used to live my life with a smile plastered on my face no matter what I was feeling. I was trying to cover up the sadness and the pain that I was feeling inside. Well, I didn't realize it back then, but people could see right passed that smile. They could see right through it and could see the pain in my eyes. The only thing that that fake smile gave me was more heartache. I have sense decided that there is absolutely NO sense in hiding what you are feeling.
       So.... back to my point, lol. I have been feeling a bit blah these past few days. And I haven't really known how to deal with it. Sometimes it is so easy to get caught up in focusing on what we want/need in life and we forget to focus on the amazing things that we do have. And, even if we are focusing on what we have, it can still be hard to get those other thoughts out of our mind. (Wow. That was a long sentance... hope it made sense!)
        Tonight I was reminded by my 2 year old Melanie about trust. We were playing a game were she would walk backwards and she would just fall backwards and I would catch her. She never doubted that I would catch her. She never looked back to make sure I was still there. She never second guessed that I would be there to make sure she didn't fall. And even after the times when she walked a little off course and almost missed my lap, she would still get right back up and do it all over again. She TOTALLY trusted that I would be there for her and that I wouldn't let her fall.
      And as I was sitting on the floor playing with my baby it hit me. Where have I been putting my faith lately? Who or what have I been trusting my life/heart with? I am a spiritual person. I believe in God. But I have not been putting all my trust in him lately. And if I could just trust  God and remember that as amazing as the plans are that I have set in life, his plans for me are so much GREATER... if I could just remember that on a daily basis... well, there would be a far less amount of heart ache and disappointment in my life. Don't get me wrong... I am a firm believer in following ones dreams... in not just shooting for the moon, but landing on it and claiming a piece of it for myself. But, I also try to remember when things don't go exactly how I want them to, that God must have something equally if not better planned for me. It's hard, especially when I really have my heart set on something... but I KNOW in the long run... his plans for my heart are so much greater than my own.

Always Blushing,

Jessica Michelle

Sunday, August 1, 2010

"Don't Label Me... I am an original." by Jessica Michelle (me)

I am an original. 
Don't label me.
I have given up being
what you've wanted to see.

A work in progress
I'm ok with that
Dreams over flowing
and giving none back.
I am an original. 
Don't label me.

I am an original.
Don't label me.
Fought too long
to let my soul fly free.

Yes, I put it out there,
open your eyes to see
my heart in the sky
thats where it'll always be
I am an original. 
Don't label me.

I am an original. 
Don't label me.
Plenty before
but none like me.

Quiet on the outside
screaming from within
a pure heart of love
but yes, I still sin
I am an original. 
Don't label me.

I am an original. 
Don't label me.
Never giving up hope
of what has yet to be.

I dream with eyes open
beauty fills my soul
patience and a calm hand
all the while out of control
I am an original. 
Don't label me.

Always Blushing,
Jessica Michelle

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Super Quick Blog.... What's On My Mind....

Whats On My Mind
My babies Ashleigh and Melanie
My books
the beach
Aerosmith Concert
the weekend
Friday night
Red Bull
my sisters
nail polish
a few tears
more smiles
some questions you've left me with
rain storms
nights under the stars
a midnight swim, yet to happen
the truth
Lot's on my mind today, and thats not even the start.... I think tonight needs to be dedicated to some writing.

Always Blushing,
Jessica Michelle

Train - Hey Soul Sister

This song makes me think of my Ashleigh. She is almost 5 and has the most AMAZING memory when it comes to songs. She loves this song and will beg me to play it everyday!! She sings and dances to this song while Melanie, my almost 2 year old, dances. Ugh, they are THE most amazing part of my life!!!! ♥ them!

Always Blushing,
Jessica Michelle

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

La la la laing through my day....

        What a day so far. There are just some people in life, that no matter how hard you try with them, they will always rub you the wrong way. And, then there are the people in life, that can make you smile more than anyone else. Thankfully, I am blessed to have quite a few of these kind of people in my life. There are a few people that I can think of off the top of my head of a few different people who, on a continual basis, make me smile.
         Hopefully, these people know just how much they mean to me. There are a few people who, by just thinking about them, it puts a smile on my face. I am not going to call you out and embarrass you over the internet, but, hopefully you know who you are ♥.

Always Blushing,
Jessica Michelle

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Late... Late... Late Night...

         So, this is turning out to be a ridiculously long night of designing the cover for my book. BUT I would so much rather go a night without sleep and be working on something that has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember than not! We have been working our butts off for the past few hours trying to wrap things up for this project. BUT we did take a quick McDonalds break to re-fuel (sometimes fast food can be an a*m*a*z*i*n*g thing!). And after 4 large Red Bulls and some Starbucks coffee today, I am still wide awake and ready to get this thing done!!!

   Always Blushing,

Jessica Michelle

Friday, July 23, 2010


For years I have been writing and writing and writing with the dream of someday possibly sharing my work with the world. It always seemed like this was a BIG dream, and that the possibility of it coming true, was well, small. It wasn't until this year that I realized that I could make my dreams become more than just a dream... they could become a reality. And, right in front of my eyes, my dreams are coming to life.
As many people know I Aerosmith. Growing up whenever a problem in life came up or whenever life seemed to be getting really hard I would listen to their song "Amazing". I would play this song over and over and over again. The chorus, in particular, always got to me.
It's Amazing
With the blink of an eye you finally see the light
It's Amazing
When the moment arrives that you know you'll be alright
It's Amazing
And I'm sayin' a prayer for the desperate hearts tonight
I recently listened to this song and it made me so happy. There have been a few things in my life that I had been struggling dealing with. A few things that I just couldn't seem to accept. But, as soon as I played this song, it hit me. And, I just got it. Everything really was ok. Everything really would be fine. And, actually, everything would be amazing. I had the control. I HAVE the control. And I can make my life be whatever I want it to be. I no longer look out at the world with eyes that only dream... I look out at the world with eyes that believe.... They believe in my dreams. And they believe that my dreams will become a reality.
Ahh, so much more to write. But I am on lunch at work and my break it just about over. Till next time....

Always Blushing,

Thursday, July 22, 2010

What an A*M*A*Z*I*N*G*L*Y Life Changing 6 Days...

            Wow! What an amazing trip. I can not even begin to tell you how inspired those 6 days in San Francisco made me feel. At work on a lunch break right now... definitely have MANY stories to tell. I will blog more tonight! But here are just a few things that made me BLUSH OUT LOUD while on my vacation... Just a few pictures out of almost 200! Stay posted!!!
Always Blushing,

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Late nights at Starbucks....

          Well, hello world. Yes, I know. It's been a while. Life has been crazy busy and honestly, I have had way too much on my mind to get any writing done. Ok, yeah, even I have to admit, that is one of THE most ridiculous cop outs ever. "Have lots on your mind?" ... that's the best time to get writing done. I guess I just have not been in the writing mood. But, I am back. Sitting at a 24 hr Starbucks right now. Grabbed myself a big caramel latte'. Ok, so it really isn't as big as it looks... but with free re-fills on your coffee it might as well be. And I it.
       Should I be drinking a latte' this late? Lol, probably not. But after a day like today, eh... I think I will ok it. I haven't been out this late with blogging as my mission in quite a while, so I need a little help staying awake. 
       Anyways, just a quick hi before I get to work on tonight's real blog, lol.

Always Blushing,

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Goddess Transformation Contest

Adrian Lima, Tyson Beckford, Claudia Schiffer, David Beckman, Kim Kardashian and YOU! Become Sarasota’s local CELEBRITY with a full Fashion Makeover. Our team of professionals will provide everything you need to unleash a magnificent new you. Facial, make-up, hair design, stunning new outfit, photo and video shoot. A prize package worth over $2500!  ENTER now by visiting our Facebook Fan Page (Goddess Transformation Contest), upload your photo and provide a Comment telling us why you are the hottest new celebrity. Are you thinking you want to do something more creative? Upload your (60 second) video on our Fan Page
 click the link below!
Goddess Transformation Contest

Always Blushing,


Monday, July 5, 2010

Bottom Ten Pick Up Lines

Top ten is tired and done... straight from the living room of Jessica and Annabelle... we bring to you the first episode of "Tonight's Bottom Ten".

Tonight Annabelle and I will be sharing with you THE Bottom 10 Pick Up Lines that we have EVER heard. These are the worst pick up lines that we have ever personally heard! Well, actually, we are bringing to you the Bottom 9. Ladies, we want you to tell us theWORST pickup line you have ever heard! And boys, give us a good laugh and tell us the worst line you have ever used!

Always Blushing,

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Matt Wertz - Sweetness In Starlight (Best Quality)

Still my all time favorite... ♥ it....

Always Blushing,

Bottom Ten Pick Up Lines

Top ten is tired and done... straight from the living room of Jessica and Annabelle... we bring to you the first episode of "Tonight's Bottom Ten".

Tonight Annabelle and I will be sharing with you THE Bottom 10 Pick Up Lines that we have EVER heard. These are the worst pick up lines that we have ever personally heard! Well, actually, we are bringing to you the Bottom 9. Ladies, we want you to tell us the WORST pickup line you have ever heard! And boys, give us a good laugh and tell us the worst line you have ever used!

Always Blushing,


It's been a while...

But, tonight I am totally inspired and ready to get back in touch with you world! More to come soon!

Always Blushing


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Meet Annabelle and James...

Second video blog... meet 2 of my FAVORITE people!

Always Blushing

First Attempt at Video Blogging....

First attempt at a video blog... be gentle on me world, lol

Always Blushing