Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thought of the Day...

I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.
-- Helen Keller

Always Blushing,
Jessica Michelle

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"Lost For So Long" by Jessica Michelle

Lost for so long
fighting to get me back
walking around 
nothing kept me on track

hand over my eyes
not a sight worth seeing
laughing on the outside
to hide my true being

walking around
so aimlessly
reaching from the inside
grasping to find me...

lost in a world
of total confusion
hypocrisy and lies
a state of illusion

true to myself
i am once more
if its not what you like
then theres the door

heads on straight
heart of a child
eyes to the lord
my hearts gone wild

figuring myself out
not a moment too soon
push away the fairytales
there's just no more room

push it all away
bring reality back to me
open to it now
my hearts been set free 

freedom to breath
just give me my time
a blessing... a curse
either way its a sign

I've come back to me
I've gotten what's mine
living a life of my own
Since when is that a crime?

Always Blushing
Jessica Michelle

11 things...

Today is 1/11/11. Make a wish! I am at work on my lunch, but got the sudden urge to write but nothing is really coming out. So, here are 11 things that are on my mind today....

1. My new tattoo. I just got this on Saturday, 
and I am already wanting more. 
There is a lot of meaning behind this tattoo
(a blog about it will follow soon, lol)

2. My babies. Missing my girls alot. Wishing I could see them
more than I do, but I know that all this working will
pay off soon and I will be able to do
all that I want for them. 
3. Sisters. Wow, it is so easy to get caught up in life
and all of its stresses. Thank God for sisters who help
keep you grounded and love you no matter what. Wish I could
see my other 2 sisters more....

4.  Friends. I have been so blessed by God with
amazing friends who see me for me
and don't try to change me. I am forever thankful <3

5. Smiles. There have been so many lately.
For many different reasons. And I am loving
all of them.

6. My birthday. Another year older... still so 
much I want to accomplish. Planning on making my 28th year 
the best yet!

7. CHICAGO! I am so ready to get away
for a few days. And to be going with
one of my best friends... PERFECT!

8. Writing. It has been far too long since I have 
written anything I was really happy with.
I think it is time to change that.

9. Me. I have a lot on my mind lately.... decisions to make....
So many different paths ahead, not quite sure which
ones to take and which ones to avoid. 

 (it's been on my mind so much, too personal
to speak of outloud....)

11. Red Bull. Come on. You had to have seen that one
coming. I need a Red Bull right now. 

So much on my mind. So much to think about. Life is awesome. Life is crazy. Life is stressful. Life is life.
Always Blushing,
Jessica Michelle