Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Perfection"...... I hate that word......

         "Perfection".... it is quite honestly one of my least favorite words in the world. I know through struggles of my own in the past, this word has lead me to feelings of inadequacy and pain.  Webster defines "perfection" as:  freedom from fault or defect . We live in a society where if you appear to be outside of the "norm" in any way shape or form or if you do not fit into the standards by which have been deemed to be 
"perfect", then you are going to be judged by what you are not instead of being appreciated for what you are
        There are so many levels of beauty in the world... so many places for us to see beauty. If we would only really open our eyes and take a look we would see that we are surrounded by it. We are so quick to judge a person by the way that they look, that we sometimes completely over look the things that really matter in life. Imagine all of the amazing people that we miss out on knowing, simply because we are unable to free ourselves from the walls that we put up.
       Not only do we judge others unfairly, but we get so caught up in comparing ourselves to what we think society wants us to be, that we lose who we really are We forget, that at the end of the day, we close our eyes and no longer see our reflection in the mirror, but we hear the thoughts that travel through our mind and our heart. How amazing would it be if we could focus more on our thoughts and our purpose in life, than our weight and our skirt size? 
          Anyways, just a thought... I definitely have more to write on the subject, but it is getting late and I need my beauty sleep. K*I*D*D*I*N*G!

Always Blushing
Jessica Michelle

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