Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tonight... It's Just Me, Red Bull, and My Crafts...
Looking for new tutorials to try out tonight, and I came across a few on Pinterest that I am in love with.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Time To Start Upcycling!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Something is better than nothing....
Monday, November 12, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
Working With What I've Got...
It always amazes me how every year the seasonal product lines just keep getting better and better. Its so wild how the new lines are cohesive with the older lines, but they bring so much new life to the brand as well. Back in my *major* crafting days, I had a few brands that we my top favorites. And year after year, whether I am crafting or not, I am drawn to look (and often buy) their new products. Here are a few of my favorite brands with their winters collections.
Basic Grey's Aspen Collection

But......... seeing as how I am trying to be resourceful and work with what I've got.... I have decided to steer clear of the paper and embellishment racks this year (as much as possible) and stick to mainly buying adhesive and other materials that I need. Forcing myself to use up what papers and embellishments I have at home has turned in to quite the challenge. I was lucky enough to work/design for an amazing Scrapbook Store for a few years (this was over 2 years ago) and I definitely stocked up on enough supplies to last me many years. Hundreds of sheets of paper... I don't think I will ever use it all (that's where my 2 crafty daughters come in. I go through my supplies from time to time and create a box for them with left overs that I know I won't use. The LOVE it.)
Keeping with this rustic theme that I can't seem to shake, last night I decided to work with some papers that I bought last year. These papers are soooo gorgeous. I used the Recollections line. And for the life of me I can't remember the name :-/
Here are a few of the projects that I worked on last night. Again, I hate the photos. I just can't seem to take pictures of my creations and have them look presentable.
Here are a few of the projects that I worked on last night. Again, I hate the photos. I just can't seem to take pictures of my creations and have them look presentable.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Oh Christmas Tree!
Another day, another craft! I don't know if its the Christmas spirit or the Red Bull flowing through my veins, but I have been so inspired lately. And I love it! Keeping with this rustic/vintage/Christmas theme (not really sure what to classify it as) I decided to try a new technique. I have seen this tried before, so I am not going to claim it as my own. But I still love it.

Torn Christmas Tree
- 12" x 12" Scrapbook Paper (for the base of the tree)
- Scrapbook paper (at least 2 different patterns)
-Paper trimmer
- Scissors (optional)
- Tape
Step 1: Making a Tree!
Take your 12" x 12" piece of Scrapbook paper and begin to roll it up into the shape of a cone. Tape the paper so that it doesn't unroll. After you are done, the bottom of the cone will have a long piece sticking out. Trim the paper so that you have a flat surface.

Step 2: Tear it Up!
Cut strips out of the different patterned papers. I started with about 2" strips, but as I moved up the tree, I found it easier to work with 1" strips. Take your first strip and make small tears along one end of the paper. I made the tears about a .25" apart. If you want a cleaner look, you can cut the strips rather then tearing them, but I like the torn look better.
Step 3: Wrap It!
Starting wrapping the first strip of paper at the bottom of the tree. I used tape to adhere the strips to the tree (I ran out of my fabric adhesive and was too lazy to run to the store. The fabric adhesive would have probably worked better, but the tape worked just fine for my first time). Once you have wrapped the first strip around the tree, repeat with a different patterned strip. Repeat these steps until you reach the top of the tree.
Step 5: To Top it Off...!
Seeing as how I am on a twine kick (and it was about 1:00 am by the time I finished this) I kept the tree topper simple. I took the twine and a small 1" x .5" piece of chipboard. I wrapped the chipboard with twine and created a ball at the top. I wrapped twine around the tree for a simple decoration.
I have to say, I am NOT a fan of how these pictures turned out. The tree is soooo much cuter in person. These pictures definitely do NOT do the tree justice.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Finally Getting a Little Messy...
Had the house to myself again last night. Grabbed a Red Bull and dove right into the crafts. After spending a good amount of time on Pintrest yesterday, I was so ready to get a little messy.
I bounced back and forth last night between a few different projects. These are *definitely* rough drafts and I still have a lot of work to do on them (mainly trimming and cleaning them up"), but I was so excited about finally getting work done, that I had to share!
- Twine/yard/fabric
- fabric adhesive
- chipboard/cardboard
*** WARNING - This is definitely a sticky project. I don't recommend starting this if you have children awake, dinner in the oven, or any other possibility of an interruption. This glue is ridiculously sticky and takes FOREVER to wash off, lol.***
Step 1: Cut Your Template
Take a piece of chipboard or cardboard and a triangular shape. Apply adhesive to a few inches on both side of the top of the tree. I wanted this to look kind of rustic and vintage, so I cut this free hand so it wouldn't look "perfect".
This is where it really starts to get messy!!! After applying the fabric adhesive to the top of the tree, I started to wrap the twine at the top of the triangle. (Make sure to hold the first piece that you are adhering down for a minute or two to insure that it sticks and doesn't pull away from the chipboard.) I wanted to make sure that the it had a clean top just in case I decide not to put anything at the top of the tree. (It still didn't turn out 100% how I wanted it to, but like I said, this was definitely a "rough draft".
Step 3: Wrapping, Wrapping, Wrapping
I liked working with 1 long piece of twine rather than cutting it into smaller pieces. It's a little harder to work with, but working with one long piece gives it a more clean and seamless look. Make sure you cover the chip board with a good amount of fabric adheseive so that the twine will adhere properly.
Continue to wrap the twine around the tree, pulling it tight to make sure the integrity of the shape of the tree holds up. Once you reach the bottom of the tree, add a little extra adhesive and hold the last piece in place for a minute or two to make sure it doesn't pull away.
Step 4: Finishing Touches
Once you have finished wrapping the tree, let it dry for about 20 minutes or so. Then it is time to decorate! I am a little addicted to the look of the twine, so I didn't want to take away too much from the actual tree. To make the decorations, I rolled the twine into various sized circles. I kept this simple by adding a bow to the bottom.
I bounced back and forth last night between a few different projects. These are *definitely* rough drafts and I still have a lot of work to do on them (mainly trimming and cleaning them up"), but I was so excited about finally getting work done, that I had to share!
Christmas Twine Tree
Materials:- Twine/yard/fabric
- fabric adhesive
- chipboard/cardboard
Step 1: Cut Your Template

Step 2: Wrap Your Tree:
Step 3: Wrapping, Wrapping, Wrapping
I liked working with 1 long piece of twine rather than cutting it into smaller pieces. It's a little harder to work with, but working with one long piece gives it a more clean and seamless look. Make sure you cover the chip board with a good amount of fabric adheseive so that the twine will adhere properly.
Continue to wrap the twine around the tree, pulling it tight to make sure the integrity of the shape of the tree holds up. Once you reach the bottom of the tree, add a little extra adhesive and hold the last piece in place for a minute or two to make sure it doesn't pull away.

Once you have finished wrapping the tree, let it dry for about 20 minutes or so. Then it is time to decorate! I am a little addicted to the look of the twine, so I didn't want to take away too much from the actual tree. To make the decorations, I rolled the twine into various sized circles. I kept this simple by adding a bow to the bottom.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Christmas is coming!
I can't even begin to explain how excited I am that Christmas is right around the corner!! I love the lights... I love the music... I love the (general) spirit of everyone. Christmas is (with the exception of when you are in shopping malls) the happiest time of the year!
With a little over a month before Christmas I decided it was time to start working on my Christmas crafts and cards (I usually start at the beginning of October, but my inspiration has been completely kaput lately). I walked into Michael's Craft Store and I could barely hide my excitement Every where I looked there was glitter and lights. Garland was hanging from all of the shelves. Candy canes were lined up on the shelves. To be honest, I am a little embarrassed at how excited I became. I probably spent about an hour walking around and taking it all in.
I think this year, I am leaning towards a more rustic look. I found a few things on Pintrest (Click here to check out my pins) that I am so in love with. I can't wait till I go home and try to draw some inspiration from these!!

With a little over a month before Christmas I decided it was time to start working on my Christmas crafts and cards (I usually start at the beginning of October, but my inspiration has been completely kaput lately). I walked into Michael's Craft Store and I could barely hide my excitement Every where I looked there was glitter and lights. Garland was hanging from all of the shelves. Candy canes were lined up on the shelves. To be honest, I am a little embarrassed at how excited I became. I probably spent about an hour walking around and taking it all in.
I think this year, I am leaning towards a more rustic look. I found a few things on Pintrest (Click here to check out my pins) that I am so in love with. I can't wait till I go home and try to draw some inspiration from these!!

Monday, November 5, 2012
After weeks upon weeks upon weeks of little to NO inspiration, I finally sat down and spent 4 hours on crafts! I don't know if it had something to do with the fact that I had the house completely to myself for the first time in forever or with the fact that I have slipped back into my past obsession and broke down and drank a Red Bull (it was delicious by the way). Either way, I am so excited that I was finally able to create something!!!!
I worked on 2 different projects. I have to say that Pintrest ( Click here to follow me on Pintrest!!) has definitely become one of my biggest obsessions and sources for inspiration. And with an empty house I was finally able to try out a few new ideas!
Materials needed:
* yarn/twine/string
*Mod Podge or Elmer's Glue (I actaully found that I liked working with the Elmer's Glue more than the Mod Podge- maybe because it reminded me of doing crafts as a child. But both worked just fine)
*Deep dish (to fill with glue and soak the twine/yarn in)
* glitter (optional)
*Exacto Blade or needle (something sharp and pointy to pop the balloons)
Step 1: Blow up balloons! I blew up different sized balloons so that I would have a variety of sizes to work with.
Step 2: Fill your bowl with the glue or Mod Podge (if you are using the glitter, add now and mix thoroughly). As you can see in the picture below, its going to get very messy. So make sure you put down something so you don't get glue on your work surface!
Step 3: Dip the yarn/twine in the Mod Podge and begin to wrap the yarn/twine around the balloon. Continue to wrap the twine/yarn around the balloon until you have a good majority of the balloon covered.
I worked on 2 different projects. I have to say that Pintrest ( Click here to follow me on Pintrest!!) has definitely become one of my biggest obsessions and sources for inspiration. And with an empty house I was finally able to try out a few new ideas!
Materials needed:
* yarn/twine/string
*Mod Podge or Elmer's Glue (I actaully found that I liked working with the Elmer's Glue more than the Mod Podge- maybe because it reminded me of doing crafts as a child. But both worked just fine)
*Deep dish (to fill with glue and soak the twine/yarn in)
* glitter (optional)
*Exacto Blade or needle (something sharp and pointy to pop the balloons)
Step 1: Blow up balloons! I blew up different sized balloons so that I would have a variety of sizes to work with.
Step 2: Fill your bowl with the glue or Mod Podge (if you are using the glitter, add now and mix thoroughly). As you can see in the picture below, its going to get very messy. So make sure you put down something so you don't get glue on your work surface!
Step 4: Once you have finished wrapping the balloon in with the yarn/twine, set it down on a flat surface to dry. I let the balloons dry over night (8 hours).
Step 5: Popping time! Take a needle or a Exacto blade and pop the balloons. The balloons will shrink down and pull away from the twine/yarn. And you are left with gorgeous orbs.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Halloween is here! The girls have picked out their costumes and we are ready to go trick or treating tonight. Halloween is definitely up there with my favorite holidays. It's all about using your imagination and creativity to become someone or something else... being able to transform yourself for the night... For one night, you can forget your worries and your stresses and become a child again.

I can't wait to take pictures tonight of my little girls!! These pictures are from 2010. Its amazing how quickly time flies....
Monday, October 29, 2012
If Barbie Were Real....
Just a thought....
If Barbie was an actual woman, she would be 5’9” tall, have a 39” bust, an 18” waist, 33” hips and a size 3 shoe.
• Barbie calls this a “full figure” and likes her weight at 110 lbs.
• At 5’9” tall and weighing 110 lbs, Barbie would have a BMI of 16.24 and fit the weight criteria for anorexia. She likely would not menstruate.
• If Barbie was a real woman, she’d have to walk on all fours due to her proportions.
• Slumber Party Barbie was introduced in 1965 and came with a bathroom scale permanently set at 110 lbs with a book entitled “How to Lose Weight” with directions inside stating simply “Don’t eat.”
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