I have been thinking about REAL beauty lately. Beauty that outshines all others... beauty, that even in the darkest of rooms, can light the way for others to see. To me, this kind of beauty is not a physical thing. It is a connection that one has with themselves. It is a way of being able to look out at the world and not just see it for what it is, but see it for what we might be able to make it. To be able to see more in this world than what is right in front of us. More than what we "know" to be true. Beauty, real beauty, is belief. Belief in our hearts. Belief in our love. Belief in who we are on the inside.
Always Blushing,
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Feeling the sparkle...
Maybe its all the Red Bull I drank today or maybe it is just because my heart has been soaring lately... but I feel like I am walking in a world covered in glitter.... and I am ♥ ing it...
Always Blushing,
Always Blushing,
20 Truths About Me...
1. I ♥ my daughters more than anything in this world.
2. My sister is my best friend in life... without her, I would be lost.
3. I am openly addicted to Red Bull.
4. Peanut Butter and Chocolate is pretty much THE most amazing combination ever.
5. Other than God, I trust my heart more than anything else.
6. I swear sometime. I do. Deal with it.
7. I wear my ♥ on my sleeve.
8. I ♥ carbs... bread... pasta... DELICIOUS!
9. When I was little when someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would say "a doctor". I really was thinking "loved".
10. I am probably one of THE biggest saps in the world.
11. I can cry on demand. But, if the tears are real, then there is no turning them off until my heart is ready.
12. I used to be a very quiet person, but now ♥ speaking my mind.
13. I don't like conflict. But, if you hurt someone I love... watch out. I become a whole different person.
14. I don't miss the "ME" I used to be.
15. I believe in a fairy tale l ♥ ve.
16. I update my Facebook status all the time.
17. I am so in ♥ with Matt Wertz's voice.
18. I listen to music while I sleep.
19. I have play list created on Itunes for different moods that I might be in.
20. The Little Mermaid is one of my all time favorite movies!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
No longer afraid to get my feet a little wet...
It can become so easy to get trapped up inside a ball of you "failures" in life. It can become so easy to give up when you look at it as a failure, instead of looking at it like a lesson learned. And, let me just say, that I am so glad not just for myself, but for the world around me, that I no longer think like that. Ok, taking a step back. That sounds a little high and mighty... it sounds a little full of myself. And, honestly, maybe it is a little. BUT one thing that I have FORCED myself to see in life is my worth. I am an amazing person. I have so much talent inside of me screaming to get out. I have so much to offer the world. And, yes, maybe that does sound a bit like I am full of myself. But, I have come to realize that the more you support yourself and your efforts in life, the more faith you put in yourself, the more you TRULY, HONESTLY, and SINCERELY believe in yourself, the more other people with have faith and belief in you. I am in no way saying that I am better than anyone else out there. I am just saying that I am the best ME that I can be at this point in my life. I have come to realize (and maybe it is a little late in life to realize this, but better late than never) that giving something your all and not "succeeding" doesn't mean that you failed. In my eyes, it means that as long as I don't give up, I am one step closer to my goal. Because, when you give something your all; when you really put your heart into something you learn a little more about yourself. I know I have said it before, and I will say it again, last year was a year of many lessons. Lessons about life. Lessons about love. Lessons about loss, about doubt and fear. Lessons about my heart.
And, I think that the lessons that I learned about my heart were definitely the most important. In my mind, everything stems from the heart. I live more by my heart, than I do my mind. I have learned to trust my heart and my soul. When I look back at life and think about things that led me to heartache or things that just didn't work out right, I noticed a pattern. I wasn't trusting my heart the way I should have been. I spent many years quieting my heart because listening to your heart wasn't "logical"... it didn't "make sense". Well, do you know what I have discovered?!?!? There are a great many times when I am NOT logical. There are a great many times when I don't make sense. But, that is me. And, there is only one person in the world who gets the chance to be me... and it's me! So, why waste it? God knew what he was doing when he created me. He knew what he was doing when he was creating each of us. Sure, lets do things to make sure that we can be the best that we can be... stay healthy, read good books, do things to work on your soul, pray, love, laugh... LIVE.... But, remember... always remember, there is SO much good inside each of us.

I am living in a world of smiles lately and completely ♥ ing it. I am smiling for a few reasons. One of the reasons that I have an almost constant smile on my face is because I have finally realized just how much I ♥ not only getting my feet wet, but dancing in the rain. I ♥ feeling the way I do. I ♥ being me... the real me. The me whole is a self proclaimed dork. The me who wears her heart on her sleeve. The me who has not and will not EVER give up on l ♥ ve. The me that is, well, the me that is ME!
Always Blushing,
Red Bull & Skittles kind of day...
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I know... not the healthiest lunch, probably not even considered a lunch... but it sure is delicious... back to work...
Always Blushing,
Always Blushing,
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
I read a quote today that really got me thinking. It basically holds true to everything that I believe...
Fate decides who walks into your life.
You decide who you let stay,
who you let walk away,
and who you refuse to let walk out.
I have come to the conclusion that we have NO control over who we meet. We have NO control over who we cross paths with. We have NO control on the impact that people will make in our life. We CAN control who we allow to stay in our lives. We CAN control how long our journey is with each person. We CAN control how long we are willing to let them impact our life.
More to come later....
Always Blushing,
Monday, May 24, 2010
What an amazing weekend... so inspiring... so magical. Sooo what my heart needed. There were so many moments this past weekend that really tugged at my heart and made me really think. Walking around a Kingdom filled with happiness and hope, my spirit, which was already soaring pretty high, was lifted even higher. I was so inspired... not just to write, but to really take a moment in life to breath. And, can I just say, breathing... really breathing, was soooo needed. I have been so happy lately. Smiling so much more than ever. I have be so amazingly blessed and I have been getting caught up in the excitement of it all. I mean, don't get me wrong... things have been amazing in my life. God is blessing me so much... bringing amazing people into my life... opening my eyes and my heart... and really blessing me with a more patient and understanding heart. All AMAZING things. But, it is still possible, with so many amazing things going on, to get too caught up in everything to take a moment to breathe. And as I walked around Magic Kingdom (and what a totally fitting name btw), I could just feel a weight being lifted off my soul. As happy as I was, I was still trying to be happier. And, that, in itself, is exhausting. But as I was walking around, I felt totally a peace with where I am in life. I let myself feel exactly what I needed to feel... feel exactly what I was feeling. I didn't try to hide anything that I was feeling... I didn't try to heighten anything that I was feeling. I just let it all be. And, honestly, it felt amazing. I have sooo much more to say. But, I am completely exhausted. More to come tomorrow...
In the words of Annabelle....
"Jessica, it is time you started putting your heart on a pedestal..."
So much wisdom from my amazing sister. So much to say about this, but time to get back to work. Definitely check back later tonight... Jessica has some blogging to do!!!
Always Blushing,
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