It can become so easy to get trapped up inside a ball of you "failures" in life. It can become so easy to give up when you look at it as a failure, instead of looking at it like a lesson learned. And, let me just say, that I am so glad not just for myself, but for the world around me, that I no longer think like that. Ok, taking a step back. That sounds a little high and mighty... it sounds a little full of myself. And, honestly, maybe it is a little. BUT one thing that I have FORCED myself to see in life is my worth. I am an amazing person. I have so much talent inside of me screaming to get out. I have so much to offer the world. And, yes, maybe that does sound a bit like I am full of myself. But, I have come to realize that the more you support yourself and your efforts in life, the more faith you put in yourself, the more you TRULY, HONESTLY, and SINCERELY believe in yourself, the more other people with have faith and belief in you. I am in no way saying that I am better than anyone else out there. I am just saying that I am the best ME that I can be at this point in my life. I have come to realize (and maybe it is a little late in life to realize this, but better late than never) that giving something your all and not "succeeding" doesn't mean that you failed. In my eyes, it means that as long as I don't give up, I am one step closer to my goal. Because, when you give something your all; when you really put your heart into something you learn a little more about yourself. I know I have said it before, and I will say it again, last year was a year of many lessons. Lessons about life. Lessons about love. Lessons about loss, about doubt and fear. Lessons about my heart.
And, I think that the lessons that I learned about my heart were definitely the most important. In my mind, everything stems from the heart. I live more by my heart, than I do my mind. I have learned to trust my heart and my soul. When I look back at life and think about things that led me to heartache or things that just didn't work out right, I noticed a pattern. I wasn't trusting my heart the way I should have been. I spent many years quieting my heart because listening to your heart wasn't "logical"... it didn't "make sense". Well, do you know what I have discovered?!?!? There are a great many times when I am NOT logical. There are a great many times when I don't make sense. But, that is me. And, there is only one person in the world who gets the chance to be me... and it's me! So, why waste it? God knew what he was doing when he created me. He knew what he was doing when he was creating each of us. Sure, lets do things to make sure that we can be the best that we can be... stay healthy, read good books, do things to work on your soul, pray, love, laugh... LIVE.... But, remember... always remember, there is SO much good inside each of us.

I am living in a world of smiles lately and completely ♥ ing it. I am smiling for a few reasons. One of the reasons that I have an almost constant smile on my face is because I have finally realized just how much I ♥ not only getting my feet wet, but dancing in the rain. I ♥ feeling the way I do. I ♥ being me... the real me. The me whole is a self proclaimed dork. The me who wears her heart on her sleeve. The me who has not and will not EVER give up on l ♥ ve. The me that is, well, the me that is ME!
Always Blushing,
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