I have asked myself repeatedly why I do this? And after years of trying to figure it out, I think I know why I do it. So often in life we are told that we are not good enough... that we are not worthy of certain things. We are always pushed to become more than what we are. And, if you are told it enough times, you start to believe it. And when you start to believe that you are not worthy of certain things, you get scared when those things start making their way into your life. You almost expect that things will go wrong. So, why not be prepared for it? Why not be prepared for any heartache or disappointment that will come your way? And my way of becoming prepared??? I start imagining the worst possible outcomes. When you imagine the worst, 2 things can happen.
1. The worst actually does happen, but, at least you were prepared. No surprises involved. You are ready with a wall up, and defenses high. (Didn't say this way healthy btw, lol)
2. Something *less* than the worst happens, and you have more strength to deal with the situation because you had been prepared for a tougher battle.
Neither of these 2 outcomes make it worth while. When you create stories in your head that involve other people, all you are really doing is creating a barrier between you and that other person. And more often than not, the other person is undeserving of that barrier. These stories are a result of fear. Fear caused by our own insecurities. And at least in my experience, they usually have very little to do with the other person.
So. . . . solution?!?!!? Well, I am working on it. It all starts within. Realizing, that
*YES, you are deserve happiness.
*YES, you deserve good things in your life.
*YES, you deserve someone amazing in your life.
*YES, you deserve to smile.
Once we start to realize and appreciate just how amazing we are, we will be more willing to allow amazing things to not only enter, but STAY in our lives.
Always Blushing,
Jessica Michelle
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