Not going to lie... your stuck in my head and I want you gone. I don't need a distraction from you. They don't work. I just want you gone. I have fought with myself quietly over this. I have tried to reason. I have been polite. But I am done asking. GET OUT. That's all there is to it. You don't deserve to be occupying my thoughts. Not even for one second. I have worked too hard to let you creep in and distract my life. I am not letting you make one more mark in my life. You bring too much frustration into my life, and I am done with you. For something so small, you have made a huge impact in my life in the past.... "but". "
"But" nothing. "But"... you have put fear into my dreams when the only thing they should have been filled with is excitement. "But"... you put doubt in my mind when I should have followed my heart. "But"... you stopped me from taking that first step when I could see the path laid out right in front of me. "But". "But"... nothing.
Always Blushing
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