I am in love with Aerosmith. I can be having the worst day, and then an Aerosmith song comes on, and my day is instantly better. * I am a one guy kind of girl. If you are "talking" to, dating, seeing, or married, please do NOT attempt to "talk" to me. I WILL find out. * I have no respect for cheaters. If you can't just be with one, be with none.* I love thunderstorms. Especially storms when the power goes out in the evening. * Skittles are my favorite non-chocolate candy. * Peanut Butter and chocolate mixed together is one of my favorite combinations. * I can NOT stand the movie A Christmas Story. That movie drives me absolutely crazy. I think that I am seriously the ONLY one in my family that doesn't like the movie. And, not only do I not like it, I can't even watch it. It bothers me that much! I have tried to watch it, and I just can't get through it * I love to write. Even if it is about nothing. I love to put my thoughts onto paper. I have always had an easier time expressing my feelings on paper. * I WILL visit Florence someday. I want to take a romantic ride in a gondola under the moon. * I have some sort of connection with the stars. Still not sure what it is the draws me in to them. But I feel an enormous amount of peace when I am under a sky completely lit up by stars. * I have had my heart truly broken twice so far in my life. Would love it if I can keep it at that number. * I am addicted to Facebook. I am always updating my statuses and checking to see if I have a notifications. * Lost 87 lbs last year. Wanting to lose 15 more. *I would love to spend an afternoon in a hot air balloon doing nothing but writing.* I love the color PINK. It makes me smile.* My daughers, Asheligh and Melanie are THE most important people in me life. They touch my heart like no other ever has. I love sappy music. I love sappy anything.* The Little Mermaid is my favorite Disney movie. I used to sing those songs at the top of my lungs while I was in the shower when I was younger.

Ok, thats a little insight into my soul... More to come later....
Always Blushing,
BELIEVE. :) I'm a HUGE Hall & Oates fan myself....