Pictures.... pictures.... and more pictures...
So, I get ragged on for taking so many pictures in life. I am going to let you in on a little secret... Growing up I was really gawky. Taller than all the other girls and the boys. I was super thin as a child. I had these huge eyes that seemed to pop right out of my head. Big feet. Long lanky arms and legs. I felt so awkward in my own skin. I was always so envious of all of my sisters. Especially my older sister Amelia. She was/is what I considered beautiful to be... beautiful dark eyes. She had this gorgeous long brown hair. Oh, how I wanted to look like her. I wanted to have these dark dramatic eyes. I wanted to look EXACTLY like her. I always looked (and still do) up to her... even when I grew taller than her, I still looked up to her. She was my "Amy". My big sister. My best friend. To this day, I still see her as a true beauty is. The main difference between then and now, is that now I realize that there is more than one type of beauty. The amazing thing is that the more I open my own ♥ to see the true beauty in others, the more I can see the beauty that lies inside of me. I think that if we, as a society, would focus more on what truly lies inside of each and everyone of us... if we focus on who we are on the inside, rather than what we are on the outside, we would all live so much more peacefully. External beauty last for but a short while.... the true beauty that lies inside ones heart, if it is genuine, will last a life time. We all are as different as the colors of the rainbow... and then some. Lets focus on what really matters... lets focus on the soul.
Back to my initial point... I am always getting ragged on for taking so many pictures. And, I guess one of the reasons I take pictures so often is because I have finally grown to really, honestly love the person that I am. Thats not to say there aren't things that I would like to change... there are many things that I am working on to make myself a better person. But, at this moment in time, I feel, not just comfortable with who I am, but happy with just being me. I am not trying to change to fit a certain mold. I am just working on developing myself. And it is an amazing feeling. I have so much fun being silly in front of the camera. And, to actually like what I see when I look at a picture, well, that is a big thing for me. I went from being a really thin child to over weight for the past 6 years. I have been working really hard to get to a place in my life where I feel comfortable looking in the mirror. But, I have noticed, that more I accept me for me; despite all the "flaws"... the more I can see the beauty within. I recently did a photo shoot and when I took a look at the pictures last night I was a little bummed. I started picking at every little "imperfection". Every little area that "should" be better. I took a moment. Closed my eyes. Took a breath. Opened my eyes and tried to focus on the beauty from within. And, YES, it is not only ok, but in my opinion, completely necessary to be able to see the beauty that lies within yourself... And once I did that, I was able to stop criticizing myself. Anyways... I ♥ the photos. And am so excited about the next few shoots that I have coming up!
Always Blushing,
Jessica I love you! You remind me of my Watermark column years ago when I wrote of showing the little girl beautiful photos of her as she was a bay and growing up! Do you remember! I was right wasn't I!!!